The Orthodox Order of Saint Anna has five ranks, which are awarded regardless of gender or religious affiliation. Until 2009, those not of the Orthodox Christian faith were assigned to the Militia, an auxiliary body. It was decided that "faith tests" were now repugnant to many applicants, and the Militia was discontinued and its membership brought into the Order Proper. Those who had been awarded ranks within the Militia were entitled to keep them.

Here is a list of the ranks and postnomials, with guidance on the proper regalia.The Order no longer provides regalia, because most of our members have little occasion to wear eveningwear or dress uniforms. There are several vendors of militaria online where you can acquire the proper regalia. We suggest Awards Empire.

While the old Imperial Order used four classes of medals, the Orthodox Order uses only the First Class cross, which was the gateway rank to nobility. The cross is enameld with red glass. In the old days, the powdered glass often turned black when fired, creating the medal known as the "Black Anna". These were often given to clergy. While we encourage use of the red, you may wear the black if you prefer.

Knight / Dame
KStA / DSt.A

First Class Chest Medal, on military drape for men or military women, on a bow for civilian women. Crossed swords are appropriate for military veterans.
NOTE: The 4th class medal (rightt) is an acceptible substitute for any OOSA chest cross, and may be easier to find.

Knight / Dame Officer

Neck Ribbon with Medal OR Chest Medal. Crown is appropriate.

Knight / Dame Commander

Neck Ribbon with Medal. Crowned version also appropriate, swords for military veterans.

Knight / Dame Grand Commander

Neck Ribbon with Cross OR Ribband, plus Breast Star

Knight / Dame Grand Cross

Ribband (Sash) worn over right shoulder with Cross at left hip plus Breast Star.

NOTE: The ribband is 100mm wide, red with a narrow yellow stripe slightly in from the edge, about 2 meters long. Heavy satin has largely been been replaced today by a modern synthetic.

These are increasingly difficult to find, and generally ranges from $120 to $150.

"Medal of the Gentiles"

The Russian Empire was a huge realm encompassing many religions. Aware that some subjects preferred not to wear a cross with the image of a Christian saint, the Order accommodated the "Gentiles" (Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Tengrists, etc.) with a medal featuring the imperial double eagle instead. Those who share this sentiment are welcome to wear the double eagle version, but they are difficult to find.